Bill Scott
Bill Scott has always enjoyed technology (25 years). And he has always enjoyed people (even longer). It was a natural to blend the two loves together. For a long time he couldn’t decide if he was a designer or an engineer. He finally gave up trying to classify himself and just decided to live in both worlds as much as possible. This passion drove him to create one of the first successful Macintosh games (GATO, 1985), build wargaming interfaces for NATO, found user experience teams (Sabre), write Ajax frameworks (OpenRico) manage user interface engineering organizations (Netflix), publish design pattern libraries (Yahoo!), talk a lot about it (Ajax Evangelist) and even write a book about Designing Web Interfaces (O’Reilly). Follow Bill’s tweets on twitter and his ramblings on his design blog.
Bill is currently VP Identity, NextGen Commerce and Consumer & Venmo Engineering at PayPal.

Theresa Neil
Theresa Neil is an Interface Designer located in Austin, Texas. She guides start-ups as well as Fortune 500 companies to craft remarkable user experiences. Recent customers include Pervasive, Proquest Dialog, PBS and PayPal.
Before consulting Theresa worked with Bill to form the User Experience team at Sabre Airline Solutions. Her articles about design and her portfolio are at www.theresaneil.com.
You can contact her directly by email at theresaneil at gmail dot com.