28 Rich Data Visualization Tools- Sneak Peek

Look for the upcoming post (Thursday, Dec 10) in InsideRIA.com about 28 Rich Data Visualization Tools. I’ve included the first three to whet your appetite.


Ajax.org Platform is a pure javascript application framework for creating real-time collaborative applications that run in the browser.



AnyChart is a flexible Flash based solution that allows you to create interactive and great looking flash charts.


Axiis is a Data Visualization Framework for Flex. It has been designed to be a concise, expressive, and modular framework that let developers and designers create compelling data visualization solutions.

Also, take a look at the nice window-in-window design on the saturnboy blog.


  1. Brandon Said,

    February 19, 2010 @ 2:47 pm

    am I missing something… did the Thursday Dec 10th post never happen? I can’t find it on your site.

  2. Theresa Neil Said,

    February 19, 2010 @ 3:37 pm

    I should update the link. I wrote this teaser for an article that was published on the O’Reilly blog, InsideRIA:

  3. Tweets that mention 28 Rich Data Visualization Tools- Sneak Peek -- Topsy.com Said,

    April 4, 2010 @ 5:34 pm

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by nathan, Edgard Davidson. Edgard Davidson said: Lendo 28 Rich Data Visualization Tools- Sneak Peek http://bit.ly/ddV8Mr [...]

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